Saturday, May 17, 2014

24 Hours of Travel (by Maura)

Getting ready for flight to O'Hare
We started our day of travel at 6:00 am Eastern time on Thursday with a drive to the airport in Charlotte. There was bad weather, so our flight to Dulles got canceled so we caught the next flight to O'Hare in Chicago. At O'Hare we got on a huge plane (a 747) and started our 16 hour journey to Narita International Airport in Tokyo.

The flight was SO long, but we kept ourselves entertained by reading, watching movies, eating, and sleeping. Most of the passengers were Japanese, and the announcements from the pilots were made in Japanese and English.
On flight to Tokyo

We arrived at Narita Airport at 4:30 pm on Friday (local time, which is 13 hours ahead of North Carolina). We went through immigration, where we showed our passports and answered questions. They took my mom's fingerprints, too. Then we went through customs, where we turned in another form saying what we were bringing into the country. My dad, who had been in Japan for 10 days already, was on the other side of customs waiting for us to arrive.

After hugs, we exchanged American dollars for Japanese yen. The exchange rate was about $1 for 100 yen --  a can of soda costs 130 yen here (about $1.30 at home). We bought train passes, and got on a train to head to the apartment we are renting in the Ryoguku neighborhood.

On the 45 minute train ride, we saw a lot of rice paddies (fields) and the suburbs of Tokyo. We had to change trains at Tokyo Station--the busiest train station in the world--during rush hour. There were people everywhere!

We arrived at the apartment, had dinner, and went to bed exhausted but excited about the start of our journey.

Bedroom in Ryoguku apartment
Apartment in Ryoguku


  1. So cool! Can't wait to hear more !!!!!!!!! My dad says be sure to eat Okonomiyaki...mmmmmmmmmmm!
    Sae Smith

    1. We have been thinking about you and your family, Sae -- especially when we eat! We haven't had Okonomiyaki yet, but it is on our list. Dad had it with octopus and eel -- he liked it a lot!

  2. What an amazing adventure for all of you!

    1. Thanks, Claire. We are having a ball. Time change has been a little rough, but we love everything we have seen so far. Tell Owen and Anna we said hello!

  3. You are cool Tooles! Love hearing about the trip thus far (great post, Maura!). Hugs to all of you. Love, Joanie and Bob

    1. Thanks, J & B. We are excited to share more travel stories (ours and yours) in person soon! XO

  4. Thank you for is so fun to have friends go cool places and share their adventures. Perhaps we can talk you into a globetrotter piece for the Gazette when you return. In the meantime we will stay tuned here at home! Lots of love from the House of Hope <3

  5. Yay for the House of Hope! We are having a ball and think that Lindley Park might want to have another parade -- this time with shrines (see next post)! Maura would love to do a piece for the Gazette when we're back. Maybe about the food!! Hugs, - MMM&K
