Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Lost in Translation (by All of Us)

We're back at the apartment after a super long, really fun and kind of strange day. Those are the kinds we like best as a family, and the ones that we find make the best memories.

In short, we went on a huge ferris wheel, drove race cars through the streets of Tokyo, visited royalty and had a private talent show at a little place called "Big Echo." Read on for the details.

Daikanransha at Palette Town in Odaiba
Up in the Air
Mark saw his students off to the airport this morning, so we had a late start to our day. We planned to go to the National Museum of Emerging Science and Technology--something the girls had wanted to do while in Tokyo. After three trains and a very long walk, we arrived at the entrance to find that it's closed on Tuesdays.

Selfie on the Daikanransha
Instead, we took a short walk to Palette Town in Odaiba, which is a lot like Chicago's Navy Pier. We went on a huge ferris wheel that overlooks the city--the largest ferris wheel in the world when it opened in 1999. The birds-eye view gave us a new perspective on the city and a glimpse of Tokyo Bay for the first time.

Odaiba fact: It's one of six artificially-constructed islands (landfills) created to help solve Tokyo's garbage problems.
Driving the streets of Tokyo

Fast Times in Tokyo
Next stop was the Toyota Mega Web (Toyota's car theme park) for a look at concept cars. One will be fueled entirely by water, another was a hybrid race car. The girls loved driving through Tokyo on the simulator; it's a good thing the pedestrians they clipped along the way weren't real. 

We had a quick lunch of yakatori, edamame and noodles at a restaurant under the train tracks in Ginza. We're happy dad is with us since mom is challenged by ordering food here.

Imperial Palace
A Glimpse of the Imperial Palace
We walked to the Imperial Palace in Chiyoda, the place where Emperor Akihito lives. Security is tight with two moats surrounding the grounds and two sets of gates with armed guards. We spent a lot of time wondering what the day-to-day job of an Emperor is like, and watched cars clear security while speculating about who the passengers might be. We also saw the Emperor's entrance to Tokyo Station, and the Tokyo International Forum--an architectural wonder.
"Let It Go!" (Imagine That)

The Karaoke Scene
Remember the karaoke scene from "Lost in Translation"? We did that earlier tonight in our own little room at Big Echo in the heart of Ginza. The girls rocked out to Imagine Dragons and "Let It Go" (of course), while the parents chose cheesy duets. We had a blast!

Ginza at Night
After karaoke, we took a walk around Ginza, which is as iconic as Times Square in New York. There's neon everywhere, and thousands of people moving through the streets. It was absolutely breathtaking--a single photo can't capture it, but these photos can.

More Pictures

Toyota Hydrogen-Powered Concept Car
Choosing our Jams
Restaurant Under the Tracks

Foo Fighters (or Madonna?)
View from Imperial Palace
Ceiling: Tokyo International Forum


  1. Wow Mary!!! These pics are amazing and it's not hard to see that you all are having a blast! Thanks so much for sharing! Hydrogen powered car! Wouldn't expect anything less in Japan. Take care :-)

  2. What a fun day for you guys!!!!!!!! Keep the blog going as I'm living vicariously through it!!!!!! Thanks again!!!!!
