Thursday, May 22, 2014

Last Day in Tokyo (by Mary) the Fish Market
This is a super quick post because we're getting on a train in seven six hours for the next part of our trip. We had another great day in Tokyo despite the crazy rain and wind we're experiencing tonight. Made it back to the apartment after a long day out right before the sky started falling.

Tsukiji Fish Market in Tokyo
We started today at the famous Tsukiji fish market, which handles 2,888 tons of fish every day. By the time we arrived at 9:30 am, most of the day's catch had already been processed and was being loaded onto trucks to go to the airport or to a variety of places across the country, or on scooters to be taken to various restaurants throughout the city. Everything moved so FAST and it was hard to take it all in. We took some video, but it doesn't do it justice. If you're interested in seeing what it's like, check out this video posted to YouTube.

At Miraikan with the world behind us

Next stop was Miraikan (the Museum of Emerging Science and Technology), which is really well done. Lots of hands-on science exhibits and emerging technology that blew our minds. Plus there was Asimo the robot and "Joey", the skeleton the girls befriended. (Obviously they miss their friends and Joey was a better option than talking with their parents for another full day.) The kids had a blast and we hung out there for most of the day. We learned about climate change (and what we can do about it), how new medicines are being developed and delivered, and created a vision for the city we'd like to inhabit in the year 2050.
Maura & Kara with "Joey"

We've been working hard to stick to our budget, but splurged a bit to celebrate our last night in Tokyo. It seemed only fitting that, if we started the day at the fish market, we end it with sushi that was fresh caught this morning. We went to a traditional restaurant in Ginza with tables that are low to the ground and cushions on the floor (and, thankfully, a well for our legs and feet underneath the table). The food was delicious and a great way to end the week -- see below for pictures if you'd like!

Traditional Restaurant
It was also followed by a crushing ride on the subway. Just when you think it's not possible for another person to get on the train, another person squeezes in. Experiencing it in real life isn't nearly as bad as it looks from the outside--people are so courteous and they've been especially kind to Kara who spends a lot of time looking at peoples' legs. And people seem to have a great sense of humor about our clumsiness on the trains--and we join in the laughter, too.

Tomorrow, we'll use our Japan Rail passes for the first time and leave Tokyo. I have to admit that I'm both excited and nervous to leave the big city. My (incredibly) limited language skills have not been a huge barrier here, but that is likely to change rather dramatically. Food options will be very different, too, which may be a struggle for our staunchly vegetarian child. And, I'm pretty sure we won't have access to the wifi that has powered this blog, helped us to process our travels, and enabled us to stay connected to home. None of this is bad--just different. 

Regardless, we'll have plenty to share when we can get back online.

Have a great few days!
- MMM&K 

Miso Soup with Clams

Sushi and Sake 
Mark & Maura

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